Doing Business With New Jersey Transit

Wed, Mar 8 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Topic: Government Contracting


This webinar covers how to do business with NJTransit. Responding to a BID, RFP or RFQ. What Certifications will NJTransit needs from a small business seeking to do business with their Company. How to be successful at getting a contract with NJTransit

  1. DBE / SBE certifications and the procedures/requirements for each
  2. How to become a vendor and do business with NJ Transit
  3. Bid Express / Procurement Calendar and other ways to locate opportunities online
  4. Upcoming opportunities and new certifications
  5. Small Purchase thresholds
  6. Recommendations and best practices
  7. Networking with Prime Contractors at Pre-Bid Conferences.
  8. Provide key point of contacts for the Office of Business Development and Procurement


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Steven J. Craft - Manager, Material Purchasing Rail, NJ TRANSIT

Steven J. Craft is a Procurement Manager for NJ TRANSIT. Steven has been with NJ TRANSIT for nearly five years. In his current role, Steven is responsible for managing a team of procurement professionals charged with employing strategic, efficient, and transparent processes to fairly source the goods, equipment, and services necessary for the continuing operation of Bus, Rail and Light Rail services. Steven’s department works closely with their business partner, The Office of Business Development, and qualified firms to ensure that historically disadvantaged firms and small business enterprises have equal access to procurement and contracting opportunities within the Agency. Steven has been a long-time advocate for supplier diversity programs and previously served as an Agency Liaison for MWDBEs / SDVOBs at the MTA New York City Transit.

Fee: No Cost